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02 Nov 2018  (299 Views) 
National Library Board

NLB should encourage reading on mobile devices
The National Library Board (NLB) has done Singapore proud by building a reading culture that has been a boost to our quality of life (New library@harbourfront in VivoCity expected to draw 1.5 million visitors a year; The Straits Times Online; Nov 1).

Reading has now become second nature and books are easily accessible to all.

However, NLB should update its push to create physical libraries and encourage more Singaporeans to read from their mobile devices.

This is to help Singapore go paperless faster and save on building infrastructure costs.

The money saved can be used to enhance teaching facilities for childcare education through specialised children books.

NLB can use spare space provided by the various CCs and hospitals to set up reading areas with well-stocked books to appeal to different readers.

Free Wi-Fi in these areas can further promote e-reading for all.

Colin Ong Tau Shien



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