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09 Apr 2023  (251 Views) 

China's dispute with neighboring territories
China has been embroiled in disputes with neighboring territories over the South China Sea, Taiwan, and their border with India for several decades. Despite these ongoing issues, I hold China in high regard for its international diplomacy and contributions to global economic development.

In hopes of resolving these disputes, I propose a new approach that involves compromise and patience from both parties. I believe that in a dispute, both sides are right and wrong, and a solution can only be reached through mutual concessions.

For the South China Sea, China should be magnanimous and allow neighboring countries to claim resources within their exclusive economic zones under the UN charter. In exchange, these countries should permit China to retain the military bases it built to safeguard its trading routes from hostile foreign powers.

Regarding Taiwan, China should exercise patience and avoid pressuring Taiwan. Over time, the people of Taiwan may willingly adopt China's governance structure, recognizing the limitations of the democracy promoted by America.

On the disputed border with India, both countries should make concessions. Each already possesses vast territories and should not fight over barren disputed land.

I believe that my proposed solutions are reasonable and offer a path forward for resolving these long-standing disputes.

Tan Kin Lian

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