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28 Mar 2023  (201 Views) 

Censorship of social media
1. China had foresight. They required social media platforms to be subject to state censorship, to prevent false and harmful content from being spread.

2. The western nations and their social media platforms smeared China for the "censorship" against "freedom of speech".

3. The western nations now realize that they also have to censor the content that is being spread on their social media platforms. They created a new term for censorship. They said that it is to meet "community standards".

4. The method adopted by the western platforms is more sinister. Apart from censoring false and harmful contents, they appear to be acting for commercial reasons as well. Their algorithm will block or reduce the spread of content that are detrimental to their advertising revenue.

5. Being dishonest, the western nations will never admit that the approach taken by China was the wise and correct approach.

6. I have, for a long time, held the view that the censorship of social media should be extended beyond what was adopted by China. I would require every user to be registered and verified. I would disallow multiple profiles for the same person. This will ensure that the views being spread are identified to the person who will be responsible for the view.

Tan Kin Lian

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