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25 Mar 2022  (81 Views) 
Other Organisations

Auto flush sensors in public toilets too sensitive, wasting water

Even as we marked World Water Day recently, I wish to point out that a lot of precious water is being wasted by the automated toilet flushing systems in public toilets.

I have noticed that many toilets flush automatically too many times. The sensors seem to be calibrated to detect the slightest movement, and the toilet can flush three to five times before I even step out of the cubicle.

This could add up to a lot of water wasted daily.

I suggest that the sensors be adjusted such that they are triggered only when users have stood up from the toilet bowl.

Perhaps building managements could switch off the toilet sensors and let people flush manually for one month, and see how much water is saved.

The public should also be able to call a hotline to report any issues with the automated flushing systems or water wastage issues.

Frederick Tan Huay Teong


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