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29 Jan 2022  (263 Views) 
Ministry of Law

Have anti-troll laws to crack down on fake social media accounts

Social media companies have very clear business objectives. Their primary focus is viewership. The more controversial the subject and views expressed, the higher the viewership. Therefore, there is little benefit for social media platforms to actively moderate comments.

Articles posted on Facebook pages are flooded with opinions and views that are neither helpful nor useful. It is quite common to read comments containing misinformation, falsehoods or misguided beliefs.

Comments on social media are loaded with sarcasm, condemnation, anger and hatred.

The situation is not helpful for the mental well-being of those who interact with others on these online platforms.

And many of those who post comments hide behind fake accounts.

I think the first step towards correcting this situation is for social media platforms and the authorities to make people accountable for their online comments.

This could be done with "anti-troll" legislation cracking down on fake social media accounts.

Anthony Lim Thiam Poh


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