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21 Jan 2022  (81 Views) 
National Environment Agency

Give regular public updates on recycling progress

The distribution of a recycling bin to every household this year and the launch of a campaign to educate the public on how to recycle correctly are good steps (Recycling bins to be given to each household to store recyclables, Jan 15).

To nudge more residents to start recycling, the authorities could consider giving residents regular data updates on the progress made in each estate as well as the nation as a whole, and how that progress benefits Singapore.

This could perhaps be done through a dashboard that is displayed in common areas such as community clubs or Housing Board void decks.

This would instil in residents a sense of purpose and motivate them to recycle.

Now is also a good time to examine the capacity of recycling collection points.

As it is, it is common to see overflowing recycling bins in open areas, and this does little to encourage the recycling habit (Items strewn around choked recycling bins are a common sight, Jan 8).

Residents need to know why recycling is necessary and why doing it correctly is important, if recycling is to become a sustainable part of Singapore culture.

Jeremy Soh


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