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13 Jul 2021  (203 Views) 
Political systems

Issue of employment pass under CECA
The government said that a person who enters Singapore under CECA has to meet the criteria for an employment pass, before it is issued. 

I read chapter 9 of the CECA agreement

Here are some extracts from the agreement:

Article 9.1
This Chapter reflects the preferential trading relationship between the Parties, the Parties' mutual desire to facilitate temporary entry of natural persons on a comparable basis and of establishing transparent criteria and streamlined procedures for temporary entry, while recognizing the need to ensure border security. 

Article 9.3
Each Party shall grant temporary entry to natural persons of other Party

Neither Party shall require labour market testing, economic needs testing or other procedures of similar effects as a condition for temporary entry in respect of natural persons upon whom the benefits of this Chapter are conferred.

Natural persons of either Party who are granted temporary entry into the territory of the other Party shall not be required to make contributions to social security funds in the host country. In such cases, they will not be eligible for social security benefits in the other Party for the duration of the stay.

Chapter 9.5
Each Party shall grant temporary entry to an intra-corporate transferee of the other Party, who otherwise meets its criteria for the grant of an immigration visa, for an initial period of up to two years or the period of the contract, whichever is less. The period of stay may be extended for period of up to three years at a time for a total term not exceeding eight years.

TKL - My reading of chapter 9.3 suggest that intra corporate transferees are not required to meet the normal requirements for the issuance of an employment pass. 

Can the minister for manpower explain how chatper 9.3 should be interpreted?

Tan Kin Lian

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