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22 Sep 2020  (81 Views) 
National University of Singapore

Send clear message that voyeurism is wrong
The problems related to voyeurism have been highlighted in recent years (NUS student filmed women in shower on campus, Sept 12).

This is a pressing issue. A university's campus should be a safe space for both men and women - no one should face the threat of voyeurism when taking a shower within campus grounds.

This is not just an issue for the National University of Singapore, it is a problem for Singapore as a whole. This is especially important today, where the ease of access to devices with video recording functions has enabled those who want to take voyeuristic images and videos.

This makes me feel unsafe. Women are generally told to be more aware of their surroundings and to protect themselves. How about educating those who are interested in voyeuristic images and videos?

Victim blaming should not be allowed to happen. This merely makes the victims feel worse when they should be supported. Anyone can be a victim - no matter how many measures they take to prevent it.

This voyeurism problem needs to be targeted at its source.

This has to start with education - that voyeurism is wrong. It is not too late to start educating the population. Those staying on campus can be educated about the consequences of voyeurism. The universities can take a stricter stand against those who still choose to take voyeuristic videos and images.

These steps, although small, can lead to change in how the public views voyeurism and the frequency of such cases happening.

Lim Yi Hui


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