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29 Jun 2020  (77 Views) 
National Parks Board

Gardening is an outdoor activity
The Forum carried two letters from readers who advocated gardening at home (HDB flats should come with balconies for gardening, by Mr Wong Boon Hong, June 23; and Allow gardening on rooftops of private homes, by Mr Georgie Lee Heng Fatt, June 24).

Is that really feasible?

Planter boxes need drainage outlets, usually connected to the vertical drainage pipe. Over time, fine soil, leaf litter, twigs and roots could enter the pipe and clog it.

Another potential problem is spalling concrete of the ceiling of the unit below, as a result of regular watering.

People may start off excitedly growing their own vegetables. But the wind might help self-seeding plants to sprout among the veggies, possibly leading to overgrown planters and gardens - and a headache for the family.

Gardening is rightly an outdoor activity.

Wong Oi Kwan


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