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19 Jun 2020  (121 Views) 
Ministry of Defense

Make past NDP broadcasts more accessible to the public
I enjoyed reading the feature on our National Day Parades (NDPs) in The Sunday Times, which showcased parades over the years (Home truly, for NDP this year, June 14).

Echoing Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen's speech in Parliament, the NDP is a rallying point for all Singaporeans, and we should not let despair from Covid-19 prevail.

In the light of this, the authorities should consider making the TV telecasts of the NDPs for the past 54 years more accessible to the public.

It would be good if the public can take this opportunity to revisit past parades, and celebrate how far we have come as well as the challenges we faced and solved along the way.

Currently, Singaporeans can view these telecasts only at the National Library and National Archives. Needing to be physically at the library or archives just to view past parades is inconvenient.

I suggest that these telecasts be compiled on various platforms, be they on the NDP's official website, YouTube, meWatch or television channels. They could also be compiled into a DVD for public sale, and funds collected from its sale could be used for a good cause.

This way, members of the public can reminisce and reflect on the past, and be more optimistic to face the challenges of the post-pandemic normal.

Sean Lim Wei Xin


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