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03 Feb 2020  (401 Views) 
Health Promotion Board

Healthy Lifestyle app
I wear two fitness bands. One is the Xiaomi band, which I have been using for a year. The other is the Axtro band issued by the Health Promotion Board.

I asked the HPB to allow the Xiaomi band to be linked to the Healthy 365 app to record my daily steps. The HPB replied that they are not able to cater for Xiaomi, as they have to be selective.  So, I end up wearing two bands.

I know the technology of syncing to the Xiaomi server. It should be quite easy to develop an API to handle this work. The work is minimal.

I suspect that there are commercial reasons why this linkage is not provided. This could be a decision of HPB or their partner in locking out Xiaomi. Perhaps, somebody wants to promote the sale of the Axtro bands?

There is another issue. I found that the number of steps recorded by the Axtro band (issued by HPB) is about 5% higher than the steps recorded by Xiaomi. However, this should not be a hindrance. The algorithm can apply a factor of 1.05 to the steps recorded by Xiaomi to derive the steps used by the Healthy 365 app.

Anyway, I hope that HPB will change their mind and allow this linkage. We should be looking for ways to reduce our cost. 

HPB - I hope you are listening.

Tan Kin Lian


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