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01 Aug 2019  (432 Views) 
Movement for change

Focus on the positive
I was having breakfast with a friend at a hotel in Jakarta. 

He saw another friend at another table and invited him to sit next to us. He introduce me to his friend. He said - This is Mr. Tan Kin Lian from Singapore. If you look at Wikipedia, you will see that he contested the presidential election.

My friend was not bothered that I did not win the election. He was also not bothered that I had a low vote. What mattered to him was that I was qualified to contest the election and I did contested it. It was all that mattered.

On another occasion, I was invited to a company function in Indonesian. The host introduced me to that large gathering, comprising of a few hundred guests in the same manner.

There were a few other similar incidences in the past years. 

I get the impression that these friends focused on the positive aspect, and not on the negative aspect. 

I wish the people of Singapore would also adopt a positive approach. It marks our character. It is how people can work together and friendship can develop. 

Tan Kin Lian

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